Sunrise Magazine #16, disk A (c) Stichting Sunrise 1995 This disk is freeware, so you are allowed to copy it as much as you like as long as you don't change anything on the disk! You can start Sunrise Magazine as follows: go to BASIC and type BLOAD "SRM-BOOT.BIN",R and press [RETURN]. You can use a mouse in port 1 or port 2 or the cursor keys to control. You can select the interrupt frequency (50 or 60 Hz) and language (Dutch or English) in the SETUP. SRM#16A can be installed to harddisk very easily. Just copy all the files to a directory on your harddisk, say \SRM\SRM16A, and type SRM at the DOS prompt (and press [RETURN]). You will return to DOS if you select EXIT. This disk contains the following files: PMEXT4PC.ARJ PMEXT for PC, see text in Miscellaneous FILTER .BAS KUN BASIC program to extract 8x8 or 16x16 blocks from a picture, see text in Miscellaneous (MiChi) SC5-SC2 .BAS KUN BASIC program to convert a SCREEN 5 picture to SCREEN 2, see text in Miscellaneous (MiChi) SRM-DOS .BAS This file is started by SRM.BAT SRM .BAT To start SRM from harddisk SRM-BOOT.BIN Loader of SRM PMARC .COM PMA archiver, type PMARC at DOS prompt for short manual PMEXT .COM PMA extracter, needed to extract .PMA files, type PMEXT at DOS prompt for short manual XADPCM .GEN Source to convert MSX-AUDIO ADPCM to PCM and vice versa, see the text in Programming SRM .LIB This file contains the entire magazine! BARPRINT.PMA Printing of barcodes, see text in Hardware BBSLIST .PMA GameSoft BBS-List March 1st 1995 CDROM .PMA Utils for SCSI CD-ROM on MSX, see text in Hardware HDDEMU .PMA Play games from harddisk, see text in Miscellaneous KOUS .PMA Demoversion of music program Koustracker, see text in Music MAPPER .PMA Source of mapper routines and DOS2 documentation, see text in Programming MID2MS10.PMA Standard MIDI File to MIDI-Saurus convert, see text in Music MM .PMA Multi Mente, very nice menutool, see text in Miscellaneous SYNTHESE.PMA Dutch speech synthesis README .TXT This textfile LEESMIJ .TXT The same textfile in Dutch There is also a SRM#16 B disk with more software, including a lot of MoonBlaster music, the Sunrise Pixel Party (nice pictures), some graphical demos and a very nice Sound Effect Editor. We hope you'll like this special freeware issue of Sunrise Magazine! If you like it, please take a subscription. Details in the Info corner. Sunrise Foundation P.O. Box 178 1530 AD Wormer The Netherlands Phone: +31 20 6373469 E-mail: