The MSX disk routines ===================== Author: Albert Siersema FidoNet : Albert Siersema at 2:282/517 InterNet : (subdue to change) SnailMail: Sloep 303 9732 CT Groningen The Netherlands BBS : Filosoft/PROGRAMMERS BBS +31-50-412288 or +31-50-426071 Version: 1.0 Date : 9 Oct 1994 Definition: MSX-DOS are the routines in the diskROM, not the MSXDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM files to run the MS-DOS clone for MSX. The MSX has the same file system as MS-DOS. This documentation does not include a description of the FAT based MS-DOS file system. Following applies to MSX-DOS version 1.x. ROMs with DOS 2.x work different as far as we know. We experimented with DOS 2.3x but haven't gotten any results upto know. All knowledge about DOS 2.x is welcome though ! The routines: DRIVES Return number of connected drives DSKIO Sector(s) read/write DSKCHG Check disk change status GETDPB Get Drive Parameter Block CHOICE Get FORMAT choice string DSKFMT (low level) Format a disk: physically and logically Not described in here and not necessary for an MSX emulator: INIHRD Init hardware INIENV Initialize environment OEMSTATEMENT New statements DISKIO (#4010) -------------- Input: [F] carry set for write carry reset for read [A] Drive number (0=A:) [B] Number of sectors to write [C] Media descriptor [DE] Logical sector number (starts at 0) [HL] Transfer address Output: [F] carry set on error carry reset on success [A] If error: errorcode [B] Number of sectors transferred (always) Error codes in [A] can be: 0 Write protected 2 Not ready 4 Data (CRC) error 6 Seek error 8 Record not found 10 Write fault 12 Other errors DSKCHG (#4013) -------------- Input: [A] Drive number (0=A:) [B] Media descriptor [C] Media descriptor [HL] Base address of DPB Output: [F] carry set on error carry reset on success [A] If error: errorcode (see DSKIO) [B] if success: 1=disk unchanged, 0=Unknown, -1=DIsk changed Note: If the disk has been changed or may have been changed (unknown) read the boot sector or the FAT sector for a disk media descriptor and transfer a new DPB as with GETDPB GETDPB (#4016) -------------- Input: [A] Drive number [B] First byte of FAT (media descriptor) [C] Media descriptor [HL] Base address of DPB Output: [HL+1] .. [HL+18] = DPB for specified drive Note: DPB consists of Name Offset Size Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDIA 0 1 Media type (F8..FF) SECSIZ 1 2 Sector size (must be 2^n) DIRMSK 3 1 (SECSIZE/32)-1 DIRSHFT 4 1 Number of one bits in DIRMSK CLUSMSK 5 1 (Sectors per cluster)-1 CLUSSHFT 6 1 (Number of one bits in CLUSMSK)+1 FIRFAT 7 2 Logical sector number of first FAT FATCNT 8 1 Number of FATs MAXENT A 1 Number of directory entries (max 254) FIRREC B 2 Logical sector number of first data MAXCLUS D 2 (Number of clusters (not including reserved, FAT and directory sectors))+1 FATSIZ F 1 Number of sectors used FIRDIR 10 2 FAT logical sector number of start of directory CHOICE (#4019) -------------- Output: [HL] Address of zero terminated character string with the text with choices for a DSKFMT If there is no choice (only 1 format supported) return [HL]=0 DSKFMT (#401C) -------------- Input: [A] Choice specified by user (1-9). See CHOICE [D] Drive number (0=A:) [HL] Begin address of work area [BC] Length of work area Output: [F] Carry flag reset on success Carry flag set on error Notes: 1) Also writes a MSX boot sector at sector 0, clears all FATs (media descriptor at first byte, 0FFh at second/third byte and rest zero) and clears the directory (filling it with zeros) 2) Error codes are: 0 Write protected 2 Not ready 4 Data (CRC) error 6 Seek error 8 Record not found 10 Write fault 12 Bad parameter 14 Insufficient memory 16 Other errors *********************** BDOS ROUTINES IN MSXDOS1 ROM *********************** This is a very fast composed list of the addresses of the BDOS routines in a MSXDOS1 ROM (like those that can be found in nearly all MSX-1 and -2 machines if they have a disk drive). Check out the MSX-DOS 2 references for a list of all BDOS entries and their parameters. These references can be found at (DOS2FUNC.* etc). Address BDOS function Meaning ------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------- 05058h 01ah Set DMA address 0504eh 018h Get Login Vector 050D5h 0eh Select Disk 0505Dh 01bh Get Allocation Below are all routines that have an FCB as input 04FB8h 011h Search First (or Find First) 05006h 012h Search Next (or Find Next) 04462h 0fh Open File 0456Fh 010h Close File 047b2h 027h Random Block Read 050c8h 024h Set Random Record 04788h 021h Random Read 0501eh 023h Get File Size 0436Ch 013h Delete File 04775h 014h Sequential Read 0477Dh 015h Sequential Write 0461Dh 016h Create File 04392h 017h Rename File 04793h 022h Random Write 047BEh 026h Random Block Write 047D1h 02bh Block Write With Zero Fill